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So yea...


This was a poster I made after I finished year two, of my teuteurs (Gareth, Craig, and Darren) dancing to get students to enrol in summer class. Sadly, I never got to see their reactions because I'm not doing summer class. I probably never will. On the upside, however, at least I don't have to dodge shoes aimed at my head (but nah, my teuteurs have a good sense of humor. besides, it's too late for them to change my grades now. probably.)


Well anyway, seems like my school just keeps screwing us up. Not just the students, but the tutors as well. Some of my previous classmates seem to be seriously thinking of moving to a different university. can't say I blame them. 


Martin Simpson, one of my tutors, and an artist I hold in high regard, told me once that I didn't need to even be in class. That I could just make my own work and create a nice portfolio and show that to people, and that the tutors were there to prod us into actually doing stuff. Guess it's time I listened to his advice and start making stuff. 

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